What are we fighting for?

The UK should be a place where trans and non-binary people can flourish and live long and happy lives. However, those opportunities are jeopardised by hate crime, societal bias, misinformation, healthcare inequalities and conversion therapies. It is also important to recognise the additional impact that racism has on Black trans people and trans people of colour.

  • Media organisations should take care not to misrepresent trans people or the issues facing them, and instead recognise trans people are people, not issues. Misinformation through clickbait headlines increases hate crimes and impacts the mental health of the trans community.

    Negative rhetoric around the trans community is growing alarmingly, with articles written about trans people increasing by 400% over the past five years, in tandem to this we’ve seen in recent studies that 70% of trans people felt media transphobia impacted negatively on their mental health.

  • The trans community deserve equal access to healthcare. Currently, they have to wait on average 5 years for their first appointment - a figure that significantly exceeds the NHS waiting time guidelines of 18 weeks. These delays cost lives.

    In contrast to neighbouring countries, as of 2022 Malta offers free gender-affirming surgeries with a 3-6 month waiting time for the first appointment, in the same year Ireland was reported by TGEU for having the worst waiting times in Europe of 7 years.

  • We want to change the legal gender recognition process to that of self declaration, allowing trans people to update their documentation without the demeaning requirement for a medical diagnosis; a self-determination model already exists in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. When we look at ILGA Europe’s Rainbow Europe Index 2022 rankings based on legal gender recognition alone, the UK does even worse, sitting at 21st place, next to Slovakia and Russia.

How to join the fight?

  • Simply enter your postcode next to the “Find my MP” button, and a pre-written message can be sent to your local MP.

    There is a LOT that needs to change but right now we are pushing for access to gender affirming care. Tell your local MP you are in support of UK Trans rights!

  • To become a true ally of the trans community you must first understand the challenges they encounter in the UK. We encourage everyone to read up about the issues affecting trans people of colour and the struggles they face. The UK Black Pride website is a hub for resources, and we’re always open to starting debates and conversations, as well as speaking on the issue on panels.

  • To make an impact, our message needs to spread far and wide, not just within our community but with our allies too. If you like this project, share the portraits on your social channels, use the Instagram filter to tell your stories or show your allyship, and make sure to tag and mention @UKBLACKPRIDE #16thCenturyLifeExpectancy